Deg Tegh Fateh- Sikh Art

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Size: 18 inches x18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

One of the best emotions that we as mankind have cherished is ‘Valor’. Many of the communities around the world have revolutionized themselves with it and even amplified it with ‘prestige’ and ‘honor’, but the most exceptional evolution that has even inspired the world from time to time, happened in Punjab. Deg Tegh Fateh- Sikh Art beautifully portrays the saga of this evolution.

The teaching of Guru Nanak, which are epitome of spiritualism and Kindness, has been the driving force behind it. Every Punjabi starts his day when the sun is sweet and he is ready to conquer his dreams in the name of Almighty. This winds up when the sun sets and concludes the day. Thus, the whole circle nurtures which is symbolic for ‘Deg Tegh Fateh’ since we pass through different situations throughout.

But, does it all have relevance in the modern world. The world which has grown greediness and has be known for the principles of ‘Consumerism’. Well I say yes, and moreover their relevance has also increased a hundred times because the selfless love which is the center of this philosophy is what we seek and would even lead us back to the roots from where we stand still…

Artist Gurdish Pannu

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