Dazzling Flowers

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Flowers, the living jewels of the beloved nature. They are always around us, with their subtle yet dazzling appearance. The flowers spread their innocence and purity all around where ever they are present. They outspread their fragrance without expecting anything in return. Growing towards their aim, without the greed of worldly things. Like the aroma, the flowers spread their virtues in the air but only the rightful one understand this thing. The Dazzling Flowers possess an attribute, worth captivating everyone’s attention.

I still remember, in my childhood I used to visit my grandmother’s garden with her. At that moment, flowers were mere a part of nature which were colored. But now, they have a significant meaning. They are my friends, my companions for life. I speak to them and they also seem to be interested in my words. They do not respond but I hear their answers. The creatures of nature with whom, I can talk without filters, without any guilt. Those tiny angels of God give me comfort and relief which everyone desires. A wish to be away from the worldly noise fulfills here. Being in the thorns, the flowers thrive and disperse it fragrance. Likewise they tell to ignore all the negatives and dwell. To heal the wounds which the world has given me and move ahead to conquer this world and achieve my dreams.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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