The Cubic Garden

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Don’t think you can get your redemption by going to any spiritual place. If you are not clean at heart nothing is going to work in your favor. Being virtuous is what will keep you at bay. No matter how many pilgrimages you go, nothing is going to work out unless and until you erase your haughtiness from within. Even after reading countless books you couldn’t read what was hiding inside of you. By wandering in the cubic garden of this nature, you are not going to get any contentment.

Look what’s inside of your heart and make peace with it only then you will have your composure. You are not going to get anything by bickering with everyone around you. Try fighting with your pessimistic thoughts and believe me you will find this world more fascinating. Don’t try to amend the worldly connections, make your kith and kin content before anything else. Even after getting successful, if you couldn’t control your malicious intentions, then your riches will be worthless.

If you think, you can make The Lord ecstatic by offering him your wealth, then you can’t ever be more wrong. Don’t read those holy texts if you can’t apply the real meaning of a single word in your life. You can never make a flower bloom, if you don’t water its plant properly. So, let go of every little thing that takes you away from being your true self.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu


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