The shades of last Evening- Figurative art

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The shades of last Evening- Figurative art

Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The shades of last Evening- Figurative art is Worldwide famous Artwork made with hands. This painting is all time famous for its love which is reflected in the shades of the rays which opine the happiness all around.

You will not be there with me after sometime
I hate you for choosing me, for loving me
For completing me and for leaving me
I will have nothing to look forward to now….

Tell me what should i do next
why did you do this to me
Tell me how am i gonna move on from you
when will there be an end to this….

I can still taste you on my lips
feel you inside me
I can still feel your warmth on my skin
feel your arms holding me tight….

Believe me when i say this
I don’t want to let you go
And neither want you to let go of me
Not now not ever in this lifetime….

I can’t even imagine living a life
When you are not there in it
It will not be the life worth living for
without you there by my side….

Artist Gurdish Pannu

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