The Red Beautiful Flowers- Nature Painting

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Red Beautiful Flowers- Nature Painting is an original handmade textured painting of soothing flowers made from acrylic colors and it is for sale worldwide. This painting depicts the love and motherly instincts of nature and the beautiful colors of it which are portrayed by almighty himself. These types of paintings are best for the homes and offices. These are widely accepted as best home decor art worldwide.

What a difference do these flowers make.. With their colorful appearance and sweet fragrance they make this world heavenly. The world would have been a barren place with not a hint of a true happiness, if the nature and its beautiful creations were not present there. Though the life would have still existed on earth but it would not have been as beautiful as it is now. The tiny smiling creatures do so much but that is still unnoticeable for many of us. We are just so tied up with the other worldly things that we do not even know our surroundings properly.

We have not met our true selves from a long time. The human have just become a puppet of their wants and desires. The desires that a person holds in their mind, those later feeds on them and their thoughts and sanity. It makes us so vulnerable that we question our existence. We start living a life which is actually not meant for us. Just ask yourself, when was the last time you did something for your happiness? We are not our original self anymore. We are the mannequins which our own selfishness has created.

The Red Beautiful Flowers- Nature Painting

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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