Urban Celebration

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

In the times of like share subscribe let’s start liking the petals of love let’s start sharing the merriness all around and let’s start subscribing to life itself. In the world of dislikes and comments, what about if we just begin looking beyond at the glimpse of light that is residing all around us through the prism of our eyes. Moreover, in the era of reels and trends, why don’t we be the tulips who disperse a vibrant aura in the valleys or the roses who just enchant the romantics and have an urban celebration.

Although, in the age of status and stories, people have forgot to bask in the sunshine or to dance among the stars. Even singing in the rain or blooming under the sky has become a seldom event now. Be the beacon of hope if there is none before the night falls or be the elixir that cures the soul of anything that is bogus. In the period of tags and follows, we have forgot to make ourselves our priority first. Really who do we even want to please?

We want validation from the strangers all over the world but the assurance that our family provides us is casually thrown to the winds. To enlighten a mind is just like lighting a candle that has the power to burn the ambience of gullibility in its yearning. When you find yourself in the dark put on the blanket of the night and remember that all the stars and the moon will sway you slowly to comfort. It’s high time that we must shed the concrete emotions at last and just start subscribing to life itself.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu


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