The Violin Girl

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

After the hiatus of a complete year she has finally returned with her masterpiece. She is going to pour all her heart into her music piece today. They doubted her in her every step, the violin girl is what they all called her while teasing her. But, today is the day when she will prove them all wrong. However, the world will get to know about the magical talent that she possesses.

Everyone has arrived and taken their seats. The stage is all ready for her to conquer the world. All the eyes are on the stage. There is a light sound of whispering that is echoing in the arena. The curtains finally open and there comes a bright light who’s walking so slowly it feels like as if she’s floating on the stage.

“The violin girl” starts her piece slowly and steadily and there were shivers erupting all around. The rhythms of her music was touching the depth of every individual’s heart. Moreover, the eyes got wet and there was a sweet little smile on every face. Heads were swaying with the tunes of her music piece and the souls were filled with happiness. Just like that she ends her piece with a bang and a loud round of applause.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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