The Inner Stillness

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Size: 18 x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Inner Stillness is original handmade painting made from acrylic colors. Moreover, it is widely appreciated for its soothing colors. This painting is a tribute to the unsung desires of a lady and true portrayal of stillness of girl’s innerself.

“The motions around me have become constant. I am in search of the peace that ought to be with in me only. My desires are trying to romanticize the notions of my life. There is stillness inside me but a whirl of feelings and emotions in the vicinity. Now, my eyes are seeking for your shelter, where I can feel free to shed my tears. All this is just getting more and more heavy with every passing minute. I am strong for the world but it does not mean it does not hurt. But I am moving…”

The Inner Stillness painting is best suited for the modern interiors. This painting has a detailed textures speaking about its unique ideas of static emotions that a women possesses. Moreover, the warm toned colors add life to the mesmerizing artwork. The abstraction along with the figurative touch clearly depicts the idea of an artist.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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