The White Flowers

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Nature has always been a giver to the mankind. Sometimes as a nurturer, sometimes as guardian, nature brings up each and every living being. One of the most beautiful creations of God are Flowers. And ‘The White Flowers’ are often symbolized as a token of peace. Let’s take a walk in a realm of Almighty. In the garden of flowers, across the river, ascending towards the hills just perceive the alluring beauty of the nature. Detach yourself from the worldly possessions and soak yourself in the essence of nature.

The golden rays of the sun appears from the trees and reaches me. Those God’s rays tint the mist just above the ground in its own color. As well as the dew drops shine like the diamonds dropping from the grass halm. Consequently, the whole world gets washed in the golden dye with the stains of viridescence. And in between that greenish canvas, at some points you can witness the vibrant colorful flowers. However, white flowers remind me of angels. In other words, the nature is a fairy tale and white flowers are fairies in it.

I wish My painting inspires people to reconnect with beauty of beloved nature and be part of the real essence of life which almighty has blessed to the mankind.

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

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