The Mysterious Stranger- Betrayal of Happiness

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The Mysterious Stranger- Betrayal of Happiness

Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Mysterious Stranger- Betrayal of Happiness is made by artist Gurdish Pannu and it professes the kindness at its soothing level. There is a Boat which is depicted in the painting which is symbolic for the Oblivion as a a Whole.

This piece of artwork is made by artist Gurdish Pannu and it is one of his best paintings of all time. The dimensions of this painting are 18 x 18 inches.

It’s so difficult to control your desires,
to have a sense over those inducements,
not give into those raw temptations,
to turn you down when all i want is to desperately do the exact opposite of it,

not show those nerve wrecking feelings,
moreover, to pretend that it doesn’t fucking hurts….
It’s so difficult to not being able to say yes,
to not drown myself into those eyes,

believe in those words which i would die to hear everyday for the rest of my life,
to not show those ever loving emotions,
pretend it doesn’t effect or mean anything….
It’s so difficult to not give into that puppy face,

thus, to not laugh at those so called justifications you make when you try to prove something,
not being able to kiss the hell outta you sometimes,

The Mysterious Stranger- Betrayal of Happiness

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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