Sahiba,The quest within-Mera Punjab

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Sahiba,The quest within-Mera Punjab

Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Sahiba, The quest within-Mera Punjab elaborates that Sahiba always wanted to be with Mirza but, as that relation of love was not acceptable to Sahiba’s parents. No one understand that entangled situation of sahiba and just gave her the name of “Jilt”. How could she see her brothers being died in front of her eyes by her lover? With whom she had spent her childhood.

The painting has been made by artist Gurdish Pannu and the dimensions of this soothing artwork are 18 x 18 inches. This Punjabi folk art is made in water colors.

sahiba, sahiba, sahiba, its been the soothing desire of yours!!
and the ages has been looking at you, feeling it alright
But the feathers have been bright, and calm
for the grace and the eternal peace,
Believe me, that is the inner peace which I am seeking,
for the kindness of love and the wildest of all,
as It has been giving testimonial to the kindness,
And a big blow to the aura, and the knotting of self with the kindest of destiny,
As the traffic is kind and the mellowness to see,
still, this is the soothing desire 
which might have been the nicest of all and wisest of all,

Sahiba,The quest within-Mera Punjab

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

More Paintings by Gurdish Pannu

Canvas Print Available @ 199!!
Gurdish Pannu Art Studio!!