Window Of Nature

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Earth can forget to revolve around the sun, wind can forget to blow and even sky can bow downwards. But, never will I ever can forget your essence. If you can allow me just for once, I want to look at you until the time stops. Your essence can light up even the darkest of the nights. If you can just sit in front of me so that I can fill my vacant heart with the warmth of your love through this window of nature.

Whenever you get upset with me, it feels like there is gloominess all over the place. Believe me when I tell you this, even the eyes of clouds get welled up when they don’t see you. If I could, I would bring you all the stars that are there in the sky. Even the moon blushes when you gaze at him in the night. Every flower blooms with joy when you pass by them. Your memories take place of all my dreams whenever I try to sleep.

What have you done to me, I have even started daydreaming. You have some kind of mystic hold on me because I don’t think of anyone else other than you. Please give me the delight of spending every evening with you as I want to explore this world and all of its mysteries with you only. Together we can write the story of our lives.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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