The Face of Glory- Soothing Desire

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Face of Glory- Soothing Desire is a perfect example of classical portrait which is made by artist Gurdish Pannu. He tried to portray the face of the idea which has been going on since ages, which is glory. The elegance of her face is symbolized for the aura which the notion of glory carries.

On a midsummer evening
while travelling through the chaos
of the bustling city; I found a figure
looming around in the dark corners

of a lonely street; upon gazing
properly I found this fascinating
face of Glory amongst the faceless…
Introductory was exchanged and a

lively conversation began; unable to
hold my curiosity any further
I finally asked: What happened?
and she casually replied: nothing much

Her tongue lied, but not her eyes
so, I calmly changed the subject…
Days passed and then months,
but everything changed except her:

I tried to look past it but couldn’t
so, I gathered the courage to ask
her once again and my efforts
were fruitful this time; she opened
her melancholy, her happiness,
her experiences and her glory as well…

The Face of Glory- Soothing Desire

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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