Mystically Beautiful Herself- Loving you

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Mystically Beautiful Herself- Loving you

Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Mystically Beautiful Herself- Loving you represents the cycle of creation where it depicts how all life comes from one singular source and it symbolize adoration, dedication opportunity, from purity to passion. And also associated with youth, beauty and pleasure.

with each complex thought they had
with each rigorous memory they re-live
and with every second they are apart
their souls search for their other half….

It sounded weird the way they spoke
seeing them interact was a site to watch
but something again died deep inside
with the way they all treated her

nothing was done or will ever be done
that is how this cycle always works
though she bellows those emotions bitterly
but then again bend her knees for him

with the spirit hanging helplessly low….
Thinking the day might come soon
either he will belong to her or
she has to cease her existence

but the ruins of their relationship
will haunt them both for not cherishing
what most people don’t even know exists
in this world full of such superficiality

thus deceiving the bliss they could have
only if he wasn’t so damn stubborn….

Mystically Beautiful Herself- Loving you

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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