Dance Of Soul

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

To spend your evenings with the memories of someone and to have the heart to kill oneself without even dying is not the task of a common person. You must have the specialty of having a stone instead of a heart to do such a thing. You must die each day little by little to conquer such a deep love and do the dance of soul. I have heard she has some grievances that can only mean that, the love she has for me is also very deep.

It is popular that she breaks hearts very easily but little did she know I have the habit of having a broken heart. She does not accompany me that often nor properly gazes at me. But, it all doesn’t matter because when she gives me those fleeting glances, my hearts blooms with unbound joy. I have heard she resents me and despises me completely, but everything cools my burning heart. She can leave the city of my life, but never will she be allowed to make me a stranger.

No matter what she does, she can never break the illusion of our devotion towards each other. She can go whenever and wherever she wants, but never will I agree to be projected as unfaithful towards us. She can accuse me with whatever she wants, but my soul is as pious as the holy water. I have heard she forgets the person after meeting with them, but I can bet she will always remember our tryst. I can content myself only with the treasure of her memories.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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