Woman with bird

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Size: 18 x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The woman with bird painting is a beautiful abstract artwork. It depicts a harmonious and elemental relationship between human and nature far away from modern civilization. The colors in this painting are highly pigment natural colors. Furthermore, the bright tones of red and blue shades are used in this figurative painting.

The connection of human beings with the various elements of nature is centuries old. Even from the ancient times the humans have always found themselves in union with the nature and its beings. But, with the advancement of the technology this connection is getting faded in this modern world. Still some souls are there, just like the girl in this painting, who try to maintain that bonding with the nature one way or another. This painting is a kind of tribute to such an attempt. 

Moreover, this woman painting is quite modern and contemporary in style. This type of artwork will look very good with the modern interior decor and it will give a trendy vibe to the space where it will be displayed. You can also explore our website to see more such paintings.

Woman with bird

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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