The sunshine painting

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The sunshine painting is a vibrant abstract artwork depicting the light of hope and positivity. The muse of this painting is sun itself and its powerful energy that fills life in everything it touches. The colors used in this painting are natural acrylic colors. Various shades of yellow and brown color are used in this abstract painting. The style used is modern yet it tilts towards abstraction also.

Sun has always been a powerful source of our core energy as the representation of life, positivity, and spirituality. Its presence in various cultures and belief systems showcases its enduring significance as a symbol of hope, renewal, and divinity. The sun has a strong energy that is beyond our interpretation, but it can lighten up the world around us. Thus, helping us navigate through our life and sustains in it beautifully.

Moreover, this type of abstract modern artwork is best for interior home decor. This type of modern painting gives a vibrant and positive vibe to the space where it is displayed. You can also explore our website for other such modern state of art paintings.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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