Blooming Flowers

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘Blooming Flowers’ often announce the dawn of the springs. When you start witnessing the vibrant flora all around you. And cool breeze from some direction along with the warmth of the sun rays starts feeling pleasant on your skin, your wits can know that the long wait of the springs is finished. The winters are going to hide for another year and the summers are going to welcome you with the greeting smile on its face. The flowers dance in the same direction taking wind as their partners. That fragrant air embraces me and my soul flows with those air currents. Step by step, inch by inch I get soaked in the charms of the nature.

Nature is something that has inspired me. The environment is a constant source of inspiration for me. Ancient paintings and poets like from Homer to Confucius sought answers to life’s toughest questions by investing time in listening to the environment’s ageless wisdom… so does Blooming Flowers. I wanted to paint my imagination and my inspiration together. To give them a visual picture in the form of flowers. So that my feelings with the beloved nature remain with me till eternity.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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