Red Indian Petals

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Are we lost in the metropolis? This thought often comes to my mind. And when I step outside to seek the answer of this question, its always a big ‘YES’. We are running in a never ending race to create a better life by creating posh cities, luxurious building, high-class cars etc. All these amenities are to satisfy our eyes and our outer self. But our soul underneath this body, feels trapped and overburden with these phantom splendors. Our soul needs the comfort of nature. The real grandeur which it longs for. However, we just need some of it to be send away from the cities near the nature. To sit under a tree with its Red Indian Petals which are  spread all around. The leaves of the tree, color the ground in its own colors likewise my soul gets tinted in the colors of the beloved nature.

My inner thoughts are from the prison of my mind and I let them fly with the flow of wind. The wind comes from one direction and embraces me. And it takes my insecurities along the with it. Moreover, the leaves of the trees shed from it completely and roll on the ground with gust of wind. Finally, this is what it all takes to make my soul happy.

Red Indian Petals.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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