Woman painting- Music Lover

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

This woman painting- music lover is a beautiful painting which depicts the passion of a girl towards music. The colors used in this painting are natural acrylic colors which are highly pigmented. The shades of colors used are very warm and vibrant. The inspiration behind this painting originated from the idea of losing oneself in their passion and finding their new true self. 

For some music is just a piece of art, but for some it is their companion in their alone time. Music touches the soul and refreshes everything. When an art meets another art, the masterpiece is created. Here, the music got along the painting. The brushes of the artist dances on the rhythms of the song. The music of nature, which can enchant anyone who understands the language. Because that is the only language the nature speaks.

Moreover, this modern figurative painting is very trendy among the new art lovers. This type of painting will give a new vibe to the space where it will be displayed. Such abstract modern artworks will look best with contemporary interior decor. You can also visit our website and refer to other such paintings that will boost the vibe of your space. 

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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