The Moon and Her Song

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

There is a humming music that is vibrating throughout the valley of lake Como. Far somewhere in the middle of the dense forest a small cuckoo bird is singing a traditional melody to her young ones. And the little Rosaline is smiling contently for all the beauty that the nature of her hometown encompasses. The moon and her song too are being a forever witness of this beautiful scene.

Seasons change, people come and go, everything transpires with time but not the moon. However, the stillness, the beauty, the brightness and the peace that the moon offers always remain there. The nature nurtures a million beings altogether without asking anything in return of it.

Just like our little Rosaline and every little girl who is being brought up with the perception that the females are always the giver. They should never ask or expect anything in response of their sacrifices. They must accept everything that this world offers them without any questioning. But, the world should never underestimate the power and patience of the Givers of this nature. And anyone must listen to the moon and her song whenever they feel the need to see the truth.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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