The Heavenly Grace of Kindness

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Size: 18 x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The heavenly Grace of Kindness is Original Handmade painting which is made by Artist Gurdish Pannu.

It is most stunning and beautiful portrait which reflects the life in itself as per the soothing colors nurtured by God himself. This painting is made with finest watercolors and it depicts the Idea of ‘International Girl’.

This was the journey of my supposed love,
but without any love to be there in the first place…
I don’t think i will ever find a cure,
for the shattered pieces of my broken soul…
Yet my every heartbeat is asking me for grievance,

but i can’t even give them their satisfaction…
Fearing that they might want to breathe again, something which is this venomous for them…
As now my lips will never open to speak,
this ruthless language of love ever again in this life…

No one will ever be allowed now,
to see my wet eyes or hear me crying,
touch me ever again or share my memories,
to enter into my life or shatter my solace,

to complete my perfectly incomplete desires,
or to give life to something which was dead for ages,
to leave me once again in my solitude,
nope that’s not gonna happen ever again now…
There are moments of doubt sometimes,

and a pretty solid wall of anger lurking in the dark…
Even when i am winning there’s this nagging feeling,
of losing that i keep on sensing deep inside me…
There’s always some kinda bubble shadowing me,
and every day passes by just the same quotidian,

nothing changes & neither it ever will now…..

The heavenly Grace of Kindness

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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