Chiryaan Da Chamba-Punjabi Painting

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Chiryaan Da Chamba-Punjabi Painting

Size: 18 x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

chiryaan da chamba-Punjabi Painting is world acclaimed Punjabi cultural and Traditional artwork.This painting is made from the natural colors mixed with the water colors.

This painting is very famous among the Punjabi community of Canada and Britain. It is a beautiful depiction of the emotions of a young girl who hails from a village.Birds are chipping around her and she is glancing at them with calmness.

Every time I meet these Birds
My emotions feel cloud nine
The emotions which I share with them
Love which I have garnished for them

I am a different person
all do I know..after meeting thme
I have realized myself
And the Love I am Supposed to feel.

The changes I see
Romance and love…
all shall Imbibe inside me
discovering the real ‘me’

It is uncertain when we First friends
Either you came to me ….or did I
but no matter as we are young
No matter we are wild …and free

We are connected and yes we are
no one can remove us
as our feelings shall remain the same
But you are part of me forever somehow.

A part of me is yours
And a part of yours shall always me mine…

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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