Women paintings- The queen

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

This is one of the famous women paintings- The queen which is depicting the uniqueness. That every female possesses within which makes her different from the others just like a queen. The colors used in this painting are the combination of neutral tones and cool tones. The style used is contemporary with a bit of abstraction. The concept is modern yet somehow it exhibits a class.

God has shown his creativeness in various forms of this nature. But the creation that is most adorable is the women. Who is strong and fragile, hard and soft, sweet and sour at same time. Getting herself shaped in every mold, getting tinted in every color of this world, she is thriving. She just have to realize her true self to channelize the positive energy in herself. Just like an arc of the rainbow she exhibits different colors, which are equally enchanting.  

This type of painting is quite trendy nowadays. This painting will look best with modern interior decor. Paintings for living room and paintings for office includes this type of genre of painting. So, you can also explore this website for other such type of modern and trendy artworks.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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