Size: 26 x 36 inches
Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas
Original Handmade Painting: Available
Canvas Prints: Available
‘The Love Story-Sohni Mahiwal’ is Original Handmade Punjabi Painting made from water colors. This painting is regarded as the true reflection of the love of the land where it celebrates the folk tales of Punjab
Soni meri sono soni
Aur nahin koi honi soni
Rab se jiyaada
Tera naam leta hoon
Love is a not madness, rather it is way to find yourself. It is a journey to salvation and to find eternal truth. Even though it is like volcano which subsides and when subsides,a decision has too be taken which is the beginning of everything. we have to work out whether our love have so entwined together that it is not possible to part ways…
Rab tumhe maaf kare
Mera insaaf kare
Rab tumhe maaf kare
Mera insaaf kare
Son mera maahi sona
Aur nahin koi hona sona
Rab se jiyaada
Tera naam leti hoon
Rab tumhe maaf kare
Mera insaaf kare
Rab tumhe maaf kare
Mera insaaf kare
Love, I have realized, is like a song which is supposed to be sung all together. It is mystery for few, but in the end there is only love…
Soni meri sono soni
Son mera maahi sona
-Artist Gurdish Pannu