Mera Dil

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Size: 18 x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘Mera Dil’ is world Famous Handmade painting made from water colors. The dimensions of the painting are 18 x 26 inches. This painting is regarded as one of the Traditional painting of Punjab which symbolizes the emotions and gestures of Love.

aj ek anjaan ji daastan hoyi,
na janeh us nal meri mulakaat hoyi.
Mere dur jan da gam inah nahi c ohnu hoya,
jinah ohnu ehsaas mere kol hon da c.

This painting depicts the emotions of a village girl of Punjab who has newly joined a college in the city and she has been waiting for her friend who is from another village. She has beautiful feelings for that friend and those emotions of her are new for her…

Not the cold eyes,or gentle gestures
The bloodless love;
for me the saint’s eternal bliss,
Nor the heart the lover.
But give me the love…I seek
So softly gently
Mera Dil

I believe that Love is vulnerable to your heart and that is the thing that scares the lovers most.We might feel true pleasure but that to with the beloved and find strength in knowing that a true friend and possibly a soul mate is all you need to feel the real vibe of Eternal Life and after that it looks completely different and worthwhile….

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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