The Sea Painting

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Sea Painting is Original handmade painting made from acrylic colors. This painting is made with the emotions of love and happiness and depicts the grace of the blue sea. 

The world underneath the water is a beautiful painting itself. Almighty has created something which feels surreal. The world beneath the water is a form of liberation. Those creatures are free to breath and free to live. Though the life on the land is unbound too. But still the humans have the confinement of their desires that they create themselves. The terms like desires, needs and selfishness are still not known to the world of ocean. 

The creature live happily on their own without any noise of greediness. This could be the reason the ocean waves always give the calm vibes. They take your negative thoughts away from you and multiplies them to the happiness and return it to you again. The place near water is always a happy place for me. I can feel the freedom, the stability, the motion that I need in my life. It motivates me to move ahead and to never look back to my failures.

The Sea Painting is best choice for the lounge areas as well as for the workplaces. Many believe that Fish paintings bring luck and prosperity to the place and to the people. Moreover, Fish painting comes under consideration for Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra painting in many countries.     

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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