Melodious Rhythms- Inspiration artwork

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Melodious Rhythms- Inspiration artwork

Size: 18X18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Melodious Rhythms- Inspiration artwork is an acrylic artwork which is epitome of inspiration for all the souls. It refers to the emotions of a girl which is glancing at herself through mirror and she ponders all along the way she has been thinking.

I hate that i love you
hate that i give you so much importance
I hate that i made you an addiction
hate that i will do anything just to be with you

I hate that i have you
hate that i don’t see myself when you are there
I hate that i made you the rhythm of my life
hate that you love me

If just you wouldn’t have come in my life
just we hadn’t had that cup of tea
just i haven’t let you in my heart
If just i hadn’t made you a part of my soul

You must be a psycho that you chose me
Why did you heard my every unsaid word
Now see where this has left us
What will be there next tell me

I love to believe all your lies
Even when i know you are lying
I hate that i even love all you dark parts
Why why this should have happened to us

Melodious Rhythms- Inspiration artwork

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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