My Love- Remembering You

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Size: 18 x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

My Love- Remembering You is Original Handmade positive world famous painting.This painting is made from natural pigment colors mixed with acrylic colors. The dimensions of this positive painting are 18 x 26 inches and it is worldwide appreciated for the beautiful colors.

As they profess that love is Golden,
And yes, I believe it is true and it is eternal,
Because in that Golden love,
my thoughts, my emotions …all occur of you.

And let me tell you that You are the flame
that lightens the darkness of my heart
And As you are the scented gestures
that makes me bloom…

Thus,You are the love, Believe me
that flickers me all day long, as you know
And  I know that I will be holding you, greeting you
Because,before my day is to set.

Therefore,You are the stars that make me smile
and lighten up the skies all around…
Because in that Golden love,and here I am
Thus,my thoughts, my emotions …all occur of you.

As they profess that love is Golden,
And yes, I believe it is true and it is eternal,
As you are the scented gestures
that makes me bloom…makes me shine, makes me dance…

My Love- Remembering You

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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Gurdish Pannu Art Studio!!