Remembering You My Love

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Remembering You My Love is Original Handmade artwork made from Acrylic colors. Moreover, it depicts the various shades of a teenage girl who is in love and is remembering her lover.

Here I am still remembering you with same feelings and emotion. They say that law of attraction is a real thing. But I wonder, does that work for or not? Do you feel the same way or not? But the one that I do believe is that ” If it is meant to be, it will”. I am waiting for the God’s action here. He must be having something good for both of us. I am patient and calm. Not rushing the things because it will be good in the end and I believe it.

‘Remembering You My Love’ painting is a great artwork. It is a figurative women painting which exhibits the feelings of a girl. This painting is perfect for the bedrooms and living rooms as it can give the warm vibe to the place. Moreover, it has cozy environment that can lighten the mood of the place as well. If you like this painting then we have more of these genre. You can explore your website get you favorite ones with affordable prices.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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