Din Tiyan Varge (Punjabi Mutiyar)- Village Culture Painting

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Din Tiyan Varge (Punjabi Mutiyar)- Village Culture Painting

Size: 18 x 36 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Like every society, Punjab has its own culture and subcultures which are based upon traditions and values. Though these have changed from time to time, generation to generation even slightly very from one geographic area together but the overall essence means same under the umbrella term called Punjabiyat. Din Tiyan Varge (Punjabi Mutiyar)- Village Culture Painting is a beautiful artwork celebrating the soul of Punjab.

It is true that times are changing, we as individuals are becoming more and more consumeristic and individualistic. It is actually altering our social consciousness but the affection of land and identity it has developed in our personalities safeguards us and helps us to maintain the balance in the society.

Moreover, it generates a positive energy through out our life. It also helps to imbibe and tackle new challenges which was encounter as an individual and even as a society. Thus, it develops the willingness to become a Rebel while living in the same society. A Rebel with a cause and an aim to sow the seeds of fortune for the generations to come.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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