Punjabi Singh Soorma-Sikh Art

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Punjab, the land of five rivers which surpasses from the mountains of Hindu Kush near Afghanistan to the borders at new Delhi, has many sagas to celebrate. Centuries after centuries, many individuals took birth at the pious land which left their essence on the culture and tradition of Punjab. ‘Punjabi Singh Soorma-Sikh Art’ is portrayal of the ‘jeona morh’.

Jeona Morh reflects strength and valor. A bandit who safeguards the rights of poor people and looted rich class. He is a social reformer in the history of Punjab. But his life remains tragic. As he met with betrayal at the hands of his friend ‘Doggar’.

This, he revenges the death of his near ones by killing Doggar. Finally, he met his own death in a police encounter at Naina Devi Mandir where he went to pay homage.

One of the most influential personalities of modern history of Punjab, he is an inspiration for the generations. ‘Robin Hood of Punjab’ is the title that has been enshrined to him by the Punjabi community. Moreover, his charismatic persona reflects the Strength of Punjabiyat. Furthermore, it vivfies and motivates the whole Punjabi community. 

Punjabi Singh Soorma-Sikh Art

-Artist Gurdish Pannu


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