Young Beautiful Girl is a live portrait of a gorgeous girl of 20 years. This painting captures her raw emotions and the love she has for her boyfriend. Her soothing eyes are the most thrilling part of this painting
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‘Young Beautiful Girl’ is world acclaimed Portrait of a young girl whom I met at Paris. The dimensions of this beautiful painting are 18 x 18 inches.This painting is regarded as one of the best artworks to be displayed for decorating interior of living rooms and offices.

Love will rise, it shall dance… every fall.
I shall rejoice and they we may lead to heaven

Love shall rise, Over all odds
from concrete cracks, like a rose who grew from concrete

Like the wind, Which sings forever
the songs of life, forever young like this beautiful girl

and then like the tress, which dance
to the roots, and then rise…

lift the aura, From seeds to the sky
rise and rise, like this gorgeous girl

Love will rise, it shall dance… every fall.
I shall rejoice, and they we may lead to heaven

Life demands love and gratitude. It shall stay still, stay cool, be calm and modest but it shall remain forever. I know that we all wanted to get loved. But I don’t think ti shall happen until we start loving each others,which I have leaned from this beautiful girl whom I met at Paris

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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