The Pious Land-Spiritual Artwork

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Since the inception of social strata, different identities have structured our relationship with motherland. And , it is not only limited to a specific geographical area but applicable in every nook and corner of the world. These different identities help us to to generate relations among each other. And even with the land we are born upon. The pious land-Spiritual artwork is saga of those reflections.

It is true that ultimate truth of life is love with motherland. Not only soldiers who guard the boundaries, they have affection. But, each and every citizen who breaths under the sky, must feel the same. Whether we realise it or not, every person carries this essence of the land to which he belongs. He celebrates it and forwards it to the next generation, which was done to him by the prior generation.

The relationship with the motherland vivfies the consciousness of a person. It helps to understand the basic aspects of living together. All the conversations and the blessings shape the overall personality of that person. It transformations the society by providing an understanding to the things all around.

The pious land-Spiritual artwork

-Artist Gurdish Pannu


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