The Girl with Golden Wings

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Girl with Golden Wings is world famous original handmade painting made from acrylic colors. This Painting is regarded as one of the famous feminist paintings of 21st century because it symbolizes strength and Power of woman. This painting is inspiration for millions of souls in the world.

The Golden wings

I’m on my way to success….firing up on that runway
Let me fry…let me survive
Here I am…. “Ready. Steady. Go!”..!!!

For the generations i have been sleeping
with myself and my dreams all around the love…

Your words means a lot and …Here I am..
“Ready. Steady. Go!”..!!!
for all the love that has been Lost…here I am…

I love the way I am because my mumma told me
and here I am…
Ready. Steady. Go!”..!!!
for all the love that has been Lost…here I am….

Mama told me not to waste my life…upon anybody…
She said to me…. spread your wings my little butterfly
Don’t let others hurt you and…as they say keep you up at night,
“Ready. Steady. Go!”..!!!
for all the love that has been Lost…here I am…

The Girl with Golden Wings

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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