The girl with Red Umbrella- Handicraft art

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The girl with Red Umbrella- Handicraft art is a symbolic justification of love and happiness. It shows the unity of colors in relations to the emotions of mankind. This painting is a figurative artwork which is made from acrylic colors.

She finally closed the doors
being terrified of this world
she tried to hold on
believe me she really did

for as long as it was possible
but they didn’t let her
so at last she gave in
and shut the world out….

They ain’t even satisfied now
again trying to break the walls
she has built around herself
they are knocking awfully hard

what do they want now?
why can’t they understand
there is nothing left of her
please ask them to go away

leave her alone in her safe place….
They broke her trust
shattered her believes
they ruined her faith

thus hollowing her totally
she’s barely surviving now
but still they haven’t got their fill
what else is left with her?

that they have came back
to snatch it away from her….

The girl with Red Umbrella- Handicraft art

Artist Gurdish Pannu

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