The Charm of Argentina

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

On a midsummer sunday afternoon she went to pick her best friend for a ride. As soon as she arrives there her childhood friend starts calling her, making her aware of his presence in the crowd. She recognizes his voice and searches for him in every direction. And there he was ‘the charm of Argentina’ as she calls him, standing in the remote corner of the stable.

She goes to him and gives him a lovely caress, in return he starts nodding as a sign of approval and appreciation for her arrival. She hops onto his back and they begin their journey. They ride through the dense forest, rushing past the golden fields. Leaving behind the chaos of the bustling city, they find their solace among the freshness that the nature offers them.

These sunday rides make their connection even stronger than before every single time. They embrace the peace that the nature provides them. They always enjoy each other’s company and look forward to their next meeting. The charm of Argentina and her best friend were always together and will always be together forever and always.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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