The Underwater City

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Underwater City is original handmade artwork made by artist Gurdish Pannu and it is an inspiration for the souls that wish to attain a meaningful life. The medium of this painting is natural acrylic colors.

Nature is very mesmerizing wherever you see. Be it as flowers or clouds. But we spend very less time to appreciate the beauty of the nature which lies under water. There is so much to see underneath water. The beauty is untouched and pure. Because very less individuals are fortunate enough to witness such a pure beauty. The fishes which are the epitome of the innocence. The art of the Almighty there is worth praising and the memories are indeed worth being hoarded for life. Consequently, these creatures are definitely the center of the happiness. And they can bring prosperity and essence of contentment with them where ever they go.

The Underwater City painting is beat suited for the lounge areas as well as for the working places. This painting is considered as Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra painting. Hence, this painting can attract positive and calm energy at the place. Moreover, this painting can purify all the negative energy from the environment.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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