Horse Rider

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Size: 32 x 32 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Horse Rider
‘Horse Rider’ is world Famous Hollywood painting made from acrylic colors. This beautiful painting is worldwide recognized for its pleasant colors which are symbolic for the aura of that girl who is riding the horseI have painting this painting when an American friend of mine prompted me to capture the beauty of the girl whom I met at Hollywood. This painting is emotion incarnate. It bosoms and blooms happiness around, and defies all attempts to capture it with words the aura of that girl. It does not matter what you say about it, there is always a joy while pondering at it…far from a corner…

She is with me wherever  I go
They tell me that i should know that
She is Goddess of beauty

a Fine lady…elegant and calm

and I paint her while she is ridding

Just a girl with so much valor
I would like to let portray her…
Just a dream painting
and that has became my reality….

Ordinarily, I often go to the woods along with my canvas , with my dear
friend, for he is always there for me wherever I go along with her…

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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