The Essence of Due

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Size: 18inches x 36inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

There is this musky feeling in the air today. Everything seems brightened and refreshed altogether. What is this in the air today that is making her feel all these emotions all at once? What has changed in her life that she is unable to determine the cause of this sudden change? Is this change something good or something more worse? The answer to all these questions is the essence of due which she is feeling for the first time in her life.

There is a cold breeze that is ruffling her hair. The wind seems to play with her clothes as the drizzle kisses her checks in this dusky evening. The essence of due tastes real sweet as for now but will she be able to hold it, is the debate of the future now. One has to fight throughout one’s life in order to keep embracing the freedom forever. She is still unable to accept the reality of her new life where she can fulfill all her dreams without any boundaries.

The world is tough and she knows this thing very well. Yet, she is determined to conquer every hurdle and fulfill every dream that she has ever seen. The rumbling clouds, the soft blowing wind, that chilly sunset and the vast sky are all present as the penultimate witness to this astounding awakening.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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