Wall Of Petals

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘Wall Of Petals’ when you hear this phrase, what comes to your mind. A source of decoration? A wall in a garden? Well this phrase holds so much to say, so much to tell. Nature has always been a mysterious amazement for many of us. It is a perfect marriage between living creatures and lifeless elements. The flowing rivers, the shady trees, the fragrant air, the massive mountains all come together and make this world divine. Moreover, the flowers, the tiny colorful creations add more to the surroundings.

The earth seems like a “Wall of Petals” from the god’s eye view. The flowers fill colors to the nature and aroma in the air. Their soft petals seems like as they are woven out of silk threads. I love to paint nature and it is the best feeling in the world, which is to spend time next to nature.The gaze of an artist, the observation and insight is all the blessing of almighty.

As someone has rightly said that a good painting on nature shall let you achieve ‘moksha’. The mediation which has provide the path to heaven goes through the colors of nature and same is the case with this painting of mine…Wall Of Petals..!!

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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