Sargi Wela- Punjabi Mutiyaar

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Sargi Wela- Punjabi Mutiyaar is the beautiful painting of hope. It is a mesmerizing reflection of that state of mind which we all encounter, when we surrender all our desires, belief and perspectives to a single hope. Few of us call it the ultimate love while others name it is devotion. But, the utmost truth is to concede to ‘the hope’.

This hope transformed the stories into sagas, celebrated the love and affection of Mirza Sahiba, Sassi punnu, Sohni mahiwal and Heer Ranjha. Their essence is what we feel every day when we meet somebody and submit unconditionally to the love, without even considering to the consequences, with a hope.

But, what it is? How it is ? Why it is? These questions and many more become meaningless when we encounter the  paramount devotion and finally a new dawn of life. This new dawn of life i.e. ‘Sargi wela’ is that stage of life when a person feels enormous energy for the first time. This energy replicates with every second and give birth to a new dawn of emotions as well. It is very near to be in heaven, on earth.

Artist Gurdish Pannu

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