Spring Night

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Size: 42 inches x 28 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

If I search you outside in this world then who is present inside of me. If I try to find you within myself then what are these mysteries residing all around in this spring night. You are within and you are without, everything else is just a mere shadow of yours. I am what you are and you are what everything else is, still I beg to differ between the two. People tend to light a candle, but look I lightened the glim of my heart.

They will “swear” to be always faithful to you, but look how am I drowning in this poisonous sea of separation. People lose their heart when in love but me, I lost myself for you. But, even after all this, you don’t adore a single thing about me. If you are a beacon, I will be the shade and if you are water then, I will be the parched one. Believe me I will be nothing without you. To light a heart is just like lighting a fire and everything is going to burn in this yearning.

There will be no spark nor will there be any fume, but still nothing will be evident in this spring night. For once, return back to me and play this gamble of fidelity as it was done from the ancient times. I will be waiting at the doorstep for you because either I will find you or you will find what you were seeking in this world. As I don’t need the stars to shine around me, I just want to embrace your warmth.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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