Heavenly Leaves

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

We all have always glorified the flowers when it comes to admire the nature. We praise the sun, the mountains, the rivers. But little have we talked about the Heavenly Leaves. That make this earth more greener, more divine, more heavenly. They impart different shades of green to the nature. Some even represent themselves in yellow, orange and red hues. They shine in the bright sunlight while playing as the crown for the trees. The leaves dance in the direction in which the wind flows. They together sing the songs of freedom and victory.
Sitting under a tree with the fallen leaves on the ground, gives an immense pleasure to my spirit. The wind blows through my body and touches my soul. It takes all the impurities with its flow. The heavenly leaves shed and colors the earth in their own color. The air currents flow through the branches of the tree making the whistling sound. Those sounds along with voice of chirping birds seems like the nature is herself singing about her beauty. The beautiful leaves feel like they talk to me. They give me comfort that I can share my sorrows with them. In that silence, I explore the inner self of mine. That I lost somewhere in the crowd of this world.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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