The Blue Night and Deep Thoughts is World famous Handcrafted artwork which Portrays elegance and love for life. This painting is suitable to bring luck and charm.
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The Blue Night and Deep Thoughts is made by Artist Gurdish Pannu and it is one of the best suited painting for enhancing the interiors of a room which is dull and has negative vibes, This painting is all around from every aspect as the kindness it enhances is enlightened by the blue color. The dimensions of this soothing acrylic artwork are 18 x 18 inches

As was Professed by her, and by the love
Where the life is stable and volcano erupts all around…
For that matter is the kindness, from where the lover comes
Where it bleeds like hell and still glances in the eyes,

Maybe, I can be termed as rude, Maybe not,
But dreaming all about is the actual love which maybe true,
but wait and glance all around, do it nice and be gentle…
and turn around the kindness and turn around the lust….

Be it kind, Be it gentle, It is the sins of ours that has ignited the pain…
But wait, there is a path, beyond the kindness and wrong doings
And shall I meet you there, love you and glance at you
The Deep Blue night….!!! 

For the sake of sea and For the sake of sun,

The Blue Night and Deep Thoughts

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

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