White Roses

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

White color has always represented peace. Also, I am sure it will in the future too. And if we talk about the flowers, especially roses the first thing that comes in my mind is love. Just think of a combination of peace and love together, the White Roses’. They are the token of peaceful love from the mother nature to the mankind. Indeed, the flowers make this earth a heavenly place by their mere presence. This might be the reason that we give flowers to our near and dear ones to show affection.

Once I was just walking through a garden in the early garden. And I saw white roses there. The soft petals  bearing the shining dew drops. The light sun rays were reflecting from those drops were giving illusion of pearls. They together look like the pearls cased in a silk finery. That scenic view inspired me to paint this beautiful painting of “White Roses”.

It often wonders me that how beautifully the nature is living with us….or are we living our life among the nature. It’s amazing isn’t it. And even if you are able to find time, don’t hesitate to feel some colors of life far away from our daily routine. Our beloved nature is our amazing friend…spend time with her.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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