THE SENSE OF BELOVED- Love artwork is a beautiful painting which represents the attributes of a woman who is seeking love from society.
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THE SENSE OF BELOVED- Love artwork is made by finest of the acrylic colors. This painting is world famous for its actual realization of human behavior, in relation to love and kindness which accompanies fortune.

This painting is made by artist Gurdish Pannu and the dimensions of this artwork arr 18 x 18 inches.

When everyday she is seeing him
treating others around them
the way she wants to be treated or
the way she wants to be respected and loved…

Finally she has learned how to live with it
but you know what hurts her the most
that her mum still expects from him…
And she knows she will keep on expecting

as she can’t see his real face
though she can but look at her helplessness
that even after knowing she can’t do anything…
So she can’t write anything positive

and i’m not just saying this…
I’m certain because she has tried
& tried but she just can’t weave that feeling
into words as she has felt it so rarely…

Maybe there will be a time in future
that she will attempt that aspect of writing
but right now just let her be
to where she is and what she should do…


-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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