Size: 18 x 18 inches
Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas
Original Handmade Painting: Available
Canvas Prints: Available
In the Shadow of Sorrows- Reviving Art represents the positive responses and notion of calmness and peace, Serenity, inspiration, or wisdom. It nurtures the love furthermore symbolizes reliability.
He often regards this painting as very close to his heart where he incorporated mix variation of colors in surface materials explorations schemes using with the help of trims materials such as different mix and match of emotions.
A life of understanding & and the love that has been there
a mere second of realization to calm and believe,
shattering everything you presumed, trust me I am not mad
it all goes away with a blink of an eye
& you know what’s the best of it all
instead of feeling disheartened
you actually feel feather light…
You have to accept that some things
can’t change no matter what you do,
they were like that always &
they will be like that forever, and yet it is nice and brillant
you will breathe free for the first time,
the second you drop the burden of
expectations from your heart & soul…
In the Shadow of Sorrows- Reviving Art
-Artist Gurdish Pannu