She is Fire- Madonna Handmade Portrait is world famous Original Handmade artwork of lovely Madonna who is epitome of beauty.
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She is Fire- Madonna Handmade Portrait is one of the best painting of all time which is best for enhancing the well being of rooms and offices. This artwork is perfect concept of elegance and is worldwide appreciable for the brownish tone of colors.

It has been made by artist Gurdish Pannu and the dimensions of this soothing artwork are 18 inches x 18 inches.

Love is like Madonna, Brighter than Sun
Her friendship with me,is holy, much clearer than the water
The darker the black, the soother the swim
Swimming with emotions and glancing all around,

Dear Madonna, I love you, Love you with all my heart,
And the soothing desire of yours is wide apart,
Because, I am eternal and you are universe,
For that matter is the kindness, which is mesmerizing,

Still, Hate it , still I do, let the vision of yours enlighten the world,
Therefore, bring the happiness all around and cherish the light
For the sake of beauty and of the sake of charm
Dear Madonna, you are life and you are forever..!!!

And here I admit, to the sorrows of life, and see the kindness 
in your face, and those gentle expressions!!!!

She is Fire- Madonna Handmade Portrait

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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