Beautiful Dance of Life

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Size: 18 x 36 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘Beautiful Dance of Life’ is Original Handmade Painting made from acrylic colors. This painting is preferred for decorating living rooms and rooms, and even regarded as vastu sahstra painting.

Love, Dance and life,

dance my friend…!!!

please dance,

love yourself, just dance,

with the divisiveness of almighty

that make us smile,

my vision of the world…gifted by almighty,

But those blue eyes,

Beautiful Pearls of happiness,

brings me love and romance

dance…my friend…!!

Therefore,just dance to the tunes

of almighty

I believe that dance was the first of the arts because it engages more the entirety of believe alive. The poet is love, the sculptor is romance, the musician is everything but Dance is Almighty.

The emotions of the dance and the art we are supposed to feel are totally different. The body of the artist, when she dances, the grace which she sprinkles is eternal.Because Believe me, It has has been no important for myself ti know what exactly am I supposed to paint.

Therefore,The basic sensation and the love for life is everything that prompts me to paint different shades of life….but this is what makes me happy.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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Gurdish Pannu Art Studio!!